This Video will show you How to Do Two Strand Twist.I had been practicing looking at different YouTube VideosTrying to get it Right.I couldn't get the hang of it so I came up withMy Own Quick And Easy Technique.Check out this Video to Show you how!
How to Make Homemade Carmel Cake.My Late Mother In-Law use to Always make this Cakeand My Hubbie use to Love it!I decided to so something Special for MyHubbies Bday; I decided to make him this Special cake.He was so Happy to see I made this Cake for him.He Loved it and I know you Guys will too.I decided to get it all on Video from Start to Finish.Please let me know how you Like it If you Try it.
This Video will Show you how to PrepareYarn before you do your Yarn Wraps, Braids, Faux Locs....etcPreparing the Yarn before you do your Install is theBest thing to do. Doing this preparation makes the processof installing the Braids or twist so much Quicker.I like to prepare 4 bundles of Yarn to do a whole head;it also depends on the length and thickness of the actual style.
This Video will Show you how to make a Semi-Southern Meal Quick and Easy!I will be Having Fried Chicken, Greens, Sweet Potato Souffléand Cornbread for Dinner. This meal will take no time to prepare.Your Family will Love it!
How to Do a No-Knot Invisible Part Crochet Weave.This is a Great Method to do when using straight, curly orany type of hair. Doing this Technique hide the crochet weaveknots.The Hair I am Wearing in the Video is Xpression Braiding hair.If you would Like to See more How to VideosPlease SUBSCRIBE to My Channel.
This Video will show you how to Remove Gel Polish Easy.Let me Tell You my Story...lolI use to Always go get my Toes Polished at the Nail Salon.I would get The Regular Polish.That Type of Polish Never Last on my Toes.It would last up to 3 Days then it would Chip.It was always The Big Toe. :-(So I told my Nail Tech. and she referred me to TryGel Polish. I can Say I So Love it!It Last on My Toes for about 1month.I Used to Always go to the Salon to Let them Remove it.They Charge $38.00 to Remove...
Crochet Weave with Xpression Hair takes some proper care.It is just like having your hair relaxed; the hair is that texture.I really love this hair.You do have to care for it a certain way too getrid of tangles and for it to look right.Please Check out my video to show you how todo it step by step.
I was so Scared to get this procedure done.I let this Callus give me Pain for about 1 year.Then I said Ok No more!The Callus came from Wearing the wrong shoes.You want to make sure you have the RightComfortable shoes when you are standing on yourfeet for a Long period of time.I Loved My Dr. he was so Nice and Gentle.He made the Process so Excellent!He also let me Get it all on Video. :-)The Dr's Office that I went to was:Georgia Podiatry | KennesawDr. Evan M. Brody, DPMAddress: 5150 Stilesboro...
Would you like to Have Crispy Chicken in the Oven?If so I will teach you how too.It is super easy and they taste so good.You will be so Glad you started Cooking them in the oven.I like to use Drumettes.I get all my my Ingredients from my Local store.
This Video will show you how I Blow dry my hair Lightly.Doing this make my Hair so much easier to care for on aDaily basis. Sometimes Natural hair can be so tangled andhard to comb. Try this method and I know it will help you out.I do it usually 4 weeks. But please note:As soon as water hit your hair; it will revert back to yourNatural kinky texture.This is also a good way to see the length of your hair bcnatural hair can really shrink up.I also do this Blow Drying technique when I trim or Dust...
Marley Hair is Super Cute Curled so I decided to Curl it.I want to Show How I Curl it from start to finish.Marley Hair is a Natural Texture Type Hair.I like it Bc it is the same texture of My NAtural Hairwhich is 4C Type.I Hope This Video is Helpful to you...You can use any type of Perm Rods you like.
This Video will Show you how to Stretch your Natural hair with no Heat. I love doing this Method it is just as good as blowing your hair out. It gives your hair length without putting heat to it.
This Video will Show you how to Season and CleanYour Cast Iron skillet.The products I used you can purchase them onlineor at walmart or target.Seasoning your Cast Iron Skillet makes food notstick to the bottom of the Skillet.Treating it makes it cook food so good!You have to Try this method you will be so glad you did.
How to Get Your Edges Back w/ Cayenne Pepper &Tropical Isle Black Jamican Castro Oil.This is a Great method to do when you have hair loss.I am going to do it on my Hairline, Edges and Nape area.I am going to do this for 30 days and come back witha Update. I am also Going to Include Prayer.Prayer , Cayenne Pepper and Black Jamican Castro Oilwill Grow Our Hair Back! :-)I would love for you to Join me.You can purchase the Cayenne Pepper at yourLocal Grocery store.You can Purchase your Tropical...
How to Make My Famous Spaghetti.I Love making this bc it is Quick and Easy.You can purchase all the items I am usingin the Video at your Local Grocery Store.
This Video will show you how to Section yourhair properly to prevent breakage.I use to Go get my Hair Braided for Yearsand my Edges, Hairline and Nape area would come out.The Reason why was they used very small parts.If you do really small parts or small tight braids it can cause damage.Now I make sure when I do mine or anyone else hairI make sure I use larger parts.Please Check out my Video for Details.
This is a Video on How to Remove Crochet weave.It also shows how I cut my real hair by accident Live.I was so Devastated!! :-(Crochet weave is a Excellent protective style.You just have to take caution when you areremoving it with a pair of scissors.
How to Reopen a Closed Ear Piercing.This is very Easy and Quick to do.I had my Ears pierced about 6 years ago.I stopped putting ear rings in the top holes.Sometimes when you do that yourpiercing can close.But you can open it back up quick and Easy.Please Check out this How to Video.
I love making Salads in the Summer Time.Thia Video will show you How to make aChicken and Pepperoni Salad.This Salad is Really Quick and Easy to make.You can add more Toppings if you like Ijust provided you with some Toppings I like.You will love this Salad!
Are you Trying to Find a Quick andEasy Dessert to make?If so Try My Cookie Pizza.A Cookie Pizza is Soo Good. :-)You can use what Ever Toppings your like.It is a fun way to spend time with yourkids. They can pick what ever candy toppings they like.We really Enjoyed making our pizza together....
Learn how to Clean your scalp with Weave In "without"actually Shampooing your hair.This is a Great way to clean your scalp and hairsuper easy with apple cider vinegar.
Cook Sausage Gumbo Soup in the Crock pot.This is a Quick and Easy meal.If you would like to Check out More of MyFood Videos please Subscribe to My Channel.CLick on this Link:
How to Make Steak Fried RiceThis Video will Show you how tomake a Quick and Easy Meal.You would Really Love this Riceit is great.~I would Love for you To Subscribeto My Channel.Click Here:
How to Dye Weave Extensions Easy!!This video will show you howto Dye your weave Extensions.This process is Super Easy to Do.We purchased 3 packs John Frieda 2N (Black) Hair dye.The Amount of Dye you purchase depends on how many packs of hair you have.We are Using 100% Human hair. It is Mongolian Kinky Curly Hair.The hair is a Excellent Texture.The Website to Purchase the hair is:
Hot Ham & Cheese On Sweet Italian Bread.This Video will show you how to makea Quick and Easy Meal.If you Like this Video I would Love forYou to Subscribe to my Channel for more Helpful How to Food videos.Click Here:
How to Make a Homemade HamburgerThis Video will show you how tomake a Excellent Homemade Hamburger. This is another Quick and Easy meal.~Thanks for Viewing my Video.I would love for you To Subscribe toMy Channel for more How to Videos.Click on this Link:
How to Cook Crispy Bacon in the Oven.This Video will Show youhow to make great bacon in the oven.You will cook the bacon on 400 temp.for 20mins. They you will have somecrunchy crispy bacon.~Thanks for Viewing My Video.I would Love for you to Subscribeto My Channel for more How to Videos. Click on the Link Below:
This video will show you how tomake Homemade popcorn.I Sooo Love making my Popcorn Homemade instead of Microwave popcorn. You should Try it.You wil like it!
How to Remove a Callous from your Feet.This Video will show you how toRemove a callous form your feet.I had a very painful callous on my feet. I went to the Dr. and the removal and the exam was really high.So I want to Try a Home Remedy.I got this Home Remedy from a Youtube Guru names Nicole Heart.This remedy worked great!I would love for you to try it and see how it works for you.THanks for Watching!
HOW to Get GLUE OUT of your Hair Pt.2This Video will show you how to takeBonding Glue out of your hair.This is a Quick and Easy process.I love doing Glue bonds theyare are great protective style.Please dont forget to Watch Part.1
HOW to Get GLUE OUT of your Hair Pt.1This Video will show you how to takeBonding Glue out of your hair.This is a Quick and Easy process.I love doing Glue bonds theyare are great protective style.Please dont forget to Watch Part2also.
How to Henna Your Hair Tutorial #1My Client Purchase 2 packs of Henna.The name of the Henna she Purchased is: Rajasthani hennaHere is the Link to Purchase the Henna:
This Video will show you how toDye your hair at home from Start to Finsh. Enjoy!Pt.1To Watch Part 2 Click on the Link Below:
How to Stop Shrinkage with Shea Butter & the Banding Method!You will need the Following Items:A Brush (optional)Shea ButterAnd Pony Bands aka Cloth Rubber bands.Are you tired of Shrinkage?If So this Video will Help you.If you are Looking for a Stylist that not only do your hair But Care foryour hair also you have found me!My Main Priority is Healthy hair forMy Clients and Myself.
This video will show you how to make your own head scarf from stretch pants. Make sure you get the correct stretch pants. They need to be one size bigger than you usually wear. Also, you want to make sure it is the stretchy material.
How to Make Twice Baked Potatoes~This Video will show you How to make Twice baked potatoes.The Ingredients you will need is:1) A Cooked Baked Potato2) Sour Cream3) Butter4) Garlic SaltIt is up to you how much of the ingredients you use just putit to your Liking. :-))
This video will show you how to get rid of dry and brittle hair. I really love mixing these different oils to make my hair super soft and manageable. You will love this DIY mixture Make sure you try it as soon as possible. Your hair will thank you for it! :))
I used to always have problems finding wigs that fit. They were always too big or just uncomfortable. This video will show you how to fix your wig and make it more comfortable.
Alot of people hate getting micro braids b/c they take so long to take out. This Video will show you how to remove your micro braids in 4 hours or less. You will have no Breakage at all.